Help ID please (no pic, my digi cam has .32 megapix)

My tank is 3 day old and this plang/algae came in with a load of garf grunge.

It is very thin, maybe 1/16 of an inch and is growing in loops, it is dark green and has no branches, it appears to grow in segments. it was about 1/4 inch long when i noticed it after the tank settled from the LS being dumped in. In 2 days it has grown to about 1 1/4 inch long.

Again, its very thin, dark green and growing in segments maybe 1/2 to 1 mm in length each.

I have a digital camera but I cant get close enough with it to get a picture and still be in focus .. its a piece of junk, an upgrade is due.

Ive checked this site and did a google search trying to find an ID on it but I cant come up with anything. If this is going to be a pest I would like to find out quickly so I can remove it before it gets too large. I will be adding a sump/refugium to my tank this weekend so I could put it down there if its something beneficial. Thanks for any help.
OK, I found some pics of chaetamorpha, it looks very similar, I think that might be what it is. Only there is just one filament of it so far, it isnt growing in a cluster . .yet. Its only 4 days old in my tank so maybe it hasnt reached its final form yet.

SO, is this a desirable macroalgae to have or should I rip it out?
is this a desirable macroalgae to have or should I rip it out?
Chaetomorpha is a desirable algae for the refugia. IME it floats. I expect that you will have to wait a while to see what this develops into. If it's not floating, I doubt it is Chaeto. Most fleshy alages, except bubble algaes, can eventually be eradicated from the aquaria, IME, if that is what you want to do. If it were me, I would wait for a positive ID before you chuck it.
Yeah, the more I look at it the more I think it is not chaetomorpha, im going to give it a few days and hopefully have a much better camera soon.