Help identify pics of Dream tank!

Cajun Reefer

New member
I was going through pictures on my computer and found these that I apparently saved July 2, 2007. Anyone possibly recall where I may have found these and have additional information on the tanks pictured.

labeled Delbeek20016.jpg

labeled Delbeek20008.jpg

labeled Nilsen20007.jpg

Thank you!
Thanks, d4a2n0k!

Unbelievable that aquarium is setup in a fireplace shop located in Vlaardingen which is a city in South Holland in the Netherlands.

If you go to this website and click on Tourview 360' towards the top right, you can see a view of the whole fireplace shop as well as the aquarium. I'll definitely have to make a pass by that place if I ever win the LOTTERY! :eek1:

I found where I must have come up with the pics. It was Reefkeeping'sTank of the Month February 2006.