Help IDing Coral

Anyone know what this is in the center? its about 6 inches across. Not sure if its a lobo or scoly

Hmm I was leaning almost cynaria due to the “fluffiness” but the shape is not the norm for cynaria. I don’t believe it’s a scoly. Likely a lobo would be my guess.
I'm not much of an SPS person but, I've found Shane^ has always been good at IDing them.
I believe it is Symphyllia agaricia.
Also there has been a reclassification of these corals but that is what most call it still and what most sell it as.
That’s the name I couldn’t think of! I was googling all sorts of things. Knowing it was a “Phyllia”. I’m not good at narrowing down the species but the genus is what I was trying to think of