Help? Is my mushroom splitting


New member
Hello, I am new to mushroom keeping, but have been keeping saltwater FO tanks for a few years now...
I bought this green hairy shroom from my lfs about 2.5 weeks ago, and about a week ago it I noticed that the mouth started to open up to the LR beneath Marine biologist roommate said that it is normal for mushrooms to split down the middle for asexual reproduction....So I figured that the tank and lighting and flow and water was doing alright if it decided to split on its own...
However, within the past couple days I have noticed this white stringy filament/spaghetti stuff and a soft brown material near the edge of the split shroom, and I was wondering if this is a split gone bad, or any need of concern???
This particular tank was only set up about a month ago, however the liverock/sand was directly transfered from my old 5G nano that was operating for over two years... I added a deep 3" sandbed and am running purigen in the filter. All my other corals seem to be thriving....




Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I could be wrong, but that looks like a Ricordea yuma to me, not a hairy shroom.

The white stuff is the shroom's mesenterial filaments (its guts basically). My splitting shrooms have never dumped their guts out like that, so I'd imagine it's either stressed out, or possibly attacking something nearby (has anyone seen a yuma do that? I haven't...). I've never seen a yuma split either... usually they send out a foot that detaches into a "bud" to reproduce asexually.
no thats not splitting. when they split, you see a nice clean seam start to form.
my opinion... bad news. ive only seen mushrooms do that when they are very stressed. but when that much guts come out i dont think its reversable.


Looks like a yuma to me, and I would guess, being that it is directly in front of your return, that it is getting way too much flow. If it is moving in the current much at all, it is in too high of flow. Yuma's like lots of light, but they should be adapted to it slowly.
its actually not a yuma, its a hairy mushroom of some is just contracted in these pics... This morning when I awoke, I found that mangled piece lying on the sand as it had detached from the rest of the shroom. I removed it to reduce any ammonia spike... There is a powerhead above it, so I Guess I could move the shroom to a lower flow location...
Weird, when my hairy is deflated it still looks like a hairy shroom, with the forked "hairs" and all that, just smaller.

My hairy shroom likes quite a bit of flow... but maybe mine is just weird or a different species altogether. It seems like there are quite a few shrooms being called "hairy".