Help! Is this a disease??


New member
I got a pair of onyx clowns from LFS today. Didn't seem sick at all and looked fine. I was informed they've been there for nearly a month. They look happy as can be, but the male (smaller one) has a decent sized white spot forward of his left fin and slightly above it. I don't know much about any diseases. And haven't had any before, what could this be? It almost looks fleshy to me. But I have no clue honestly, maybe he got got scraped during transport/ netting?? Please help!!



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Looks traumatic. I would just watch closely for a few days. If behavior is normal and eating good I wouldn't worry. Any QT with these?
Looks traumatic. I would just watch closely for a few days. If behavior is normal and eating good I wouldn't worry. Any QT with these?

I don't have a QT setup. The "QT" was the fact that they have been in the LFS's tank for over 3 weeks and their system always has cupramine in it evidently. I brought them home and straight into the DT. Then I noticed the white spot. To be fair I didn't give too good a look at the LFS. If it helps they're are swimming apparently normally and definetly have an appetite. Seemingly normal behavior. Here are some better pics I took. As well as a video of their behavior. It's been 24 hours so far, no change in appearance.
I'd agree with Rov. Looks like trama and not disease. My male use to get the snot kicked out of him to the point I thought he'd die. Always ripped fins and what not.

Just keep an eye on it.

Also, for what it's worth. Low levels of Copper at LFS will just mask symptoms and not get rid of it.
I'd agree with Rov. Looks like trama and not disease. My male use to get the snot kicked out of him to the point I thought he'd die. Always ripped fins and what not.

Just keep an eye on it.

Also, for what it's worth. Low levels of Copper at LFS will just mask symptoms and not get rid of it.

Really.....? I never knew that, I was completely under the impression that copper is what is used to treat all these diseases. The LFS said that they don't specifically quarantine them, these two just happened to be there still. And supposedly, all other onyx clowns from that shipment went out and they heard nothing bad back, so I'm crossing my fingers I'll be fine. And really hoping it's just trauma. I was under impression that the quarantine procedure were to do copper for 4 weeks and if survived the fish is fine, so I figured these two were "basically" qt'd. I used to only get fish from a store that specifically only sold qt'd fish that they themselves qt'd. But now I moved and they're just too far. So I'm trying a new place now.
I agree with others. It looks like trauma, like a fish scale that was affected, either in transport or netting into tank.

Feed feed feed. Healthy fish= Good immune system.