Help!! Ive just discovered zoanthid eatin nudis!!

remove the Zoanthids to a quarantine tank, remove all the Nudibranchs by hand(or dipping...I use revive) and also find and scrape off all the eggs
Ive heard revive doesnt work, anyone else seen it work? Ive got some for my stonies and I'll give it a try, are there any specialized dips for the nudis?
I just dipped a bunch of my zoas in revive when I too discovered nudis on them. I don't know how long to leave them in the dip, but I did it for about 2 minutes agitating constantly. There were 5 or 6 of the nudis in the solution still alive 10 minutes later.
or tincture and tap water. Tincture is cheaper and tap has a higher PH than RO and a little chlorine never did any damage to my polyps. It is also easier to see the eggs under actinic only or a black light. They look like this @ but white. JMHO
mfinn pm sent
Absolutely the freswater dip and Lugols - or tincture. Both are iodine. The tapwater is one I had not tried - but I would not be afraid of it. Just the temps close to the tank they are in first - lessens the shock and stress that they are going to dealing with during treatment.
Best of luck!
I like to adjust the PH of the freshwater to that of the tank water as MUCHO reccomened in his thread.
I used to think PH adjustment was very important - but the treatment is short term, and the zoos hold so much water that they came from - I have never seen it truly make a difference to teh zooanthids, or other soft corals.
Additionally the ph difference may help to further shock/parasitic bugs that you are trying to get rid of. They will react faster to the different chemistry of the water than will zoos.
Bear in mind that most to the zooznthids come from near shore, lagoons and similar, and they are subject to dirty water that varies in salinity and PH quite often due to rain and run-off.

brifirst...WHICH Coris? Coris is a genus of wrasses of which there are many different members.....
FWE...I just got rid of them...and my God what a chore....It has taken me 10 bottles of FWE and been free now for about 3 weeks. It would have taken less but I didn't stay on top of them and if you give them an inch they will take a football field. They are terrible. I couldn't pull all of mine out as I had about 65 frags....Just nuked the hole tank with copious amounts of FWE and they are finally gone....only lost one colony before I found them. You have to do it almost twice a week. The FWE kills them almost instantly in high doses but doesn't touch the eggs. Not sure of the gestational period of these guys but I used a 3rd of a bottle three times a week for almost 2 months and they are now gone. I never saw any eggs but I didn't look real hard either. I just turned off the reactors and dumped it in. You can get rid of them but it will take some work. Main thing is to stay completely on top of the treatment to get the eggs as soon as they hatch if you don't want to dip and scrape......
I love my inverts, so nukeing my tank with fwe doesnt seem like and option. How long does it take to die off if I remove my zoas?
FWE doesn't hurt the inverts at all........Never even know it's there.....that's interceptor.......FWE will never ever hurt an invert....well it might if you dump 6 bottles in at once....never tried it...they have nothing to do with each me and will work...but diligence is the key...i have 7 peppermint shrimp as at the last time I counted and 20 hermits.....will not touch an if you have a flatworm problems you will need to take more evasive measures to stop the release of the toxin they let off...but zoa nudis to my knowledge don't release any and I personally like to see the SOB's float down the will be fine trust me......I have way to much invested in this stuff to make this up. Do the research it will show you....Mucho you have the link show him. GOOD LUCK....They suck....revive and a prayer and a lugols dip from now on....NO MORE OF THESE THINGS......fingers crossed I get no more ever ever ever ever again
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CoralRX claims to work on them i beleive, and its all natural. Ive been using it for 2 weeks for all sorts of things and ive been really happy with the results so far (it looks like a invert holocaust when i pull the frags from the dip bucket lol...).