Help: Leaving Rotifers!


New member
I am just setting up a rotifer culture for a pair of clowns that started spawning. Unfortunately something came up and I have to leave town the day after the rotifers arrive. I have a 4 gallon bin filled with salt water that is heated and has an air stone. What can I do to preserve the rotifers for the roughly 3 days that I am gone. I do have someone feeding my reef tank so I can add Phyto every day. I just can't clean it.
Hmm not too sure on this as I have never raised them. Hopefully one of the other guys raises them and can help with that
They will be ok, I would take the heater out add the rotifers in the bin add the enough phyto to tint the water and add the air stone. They should be good un tell you come back, and have the person who's sitting your tank put some phyto in only if the water goes clair and make sure they don't over feed it can crash the culture.
They will be ok, I would take the heater out add the rotifers in the bin add the enough phyto to tint the water and add the air stone. They should be good un tell you come back, and have the person who's sitting your tank put some phyto in only if the water goes clair and make sure they don't over feed it can crash the culture.
Thank you :)