Help leveling New 32 Gallon Tank


Active member
The stand has leveling feet and every time I adjust one the tank rocks back and forth. What am I doing wrong? Another problem my three levels are not exactly the same. How do I know if one is proper? The tank came with a tiny level and it seems closer.
Is this the tank that’s on the rug?

Have you tried what @aranax stated?
Fill the tank quarter full, then wait a few days. Fill again and wait. The longer you wait before going to full capacity the better. Sucks to wait but it's the safest IMO (I've had to deal with this on a few installs).
If it’s not on the rug and on a hard surface, then I’d adjust as needed using levels. Generally, unless the level tube itself is bent, levels are generally pretty accurate. One thing to remember, is each leveling foot (presuming 4 feet, one in each corner) is going to adjust two sides. I always struggle with them and have found it’s sometimes better to just remove them if the floor is level.