Help Mantis Shrimp!!!


Active member
I was looking in my tank today and spotted a small (about 1 to 1 1/2 inch) mantis shrimp. Any ideas on how i can get it out of my tank without tearing apart my tank??!!
easiest and best is take a small plastic coke bottle cut off the top where it starts to taper. turn that part around and suish is back into the bottle so now the mantis will go in but it cant go back out. put a pcs of shrimp/silverside inside and your good to go.
sorry about finding one in your tank.
the soda bottle should work very well.

any chance its a peacock mantis?
been looking for one for a while.

Ryanqk if u get the mantis and u don`t want him can I have it :D

clockwurk if u want a peacock mantis try big al`s they have them some times good luck
aquarium concepts on 117 ave and 72 st has a zebra or bumble bee mantis thats at least 6-8" cant remember exactly which one or how big, i just know its huge and pretty scary looking. i wouldnt want anything to do with that thing but hey if you want a mantis might as well go big or go home
Someone might have a trap you can borrow. The coke bottle should work well. Also if he makes a home in a ez to reach rock just pull it out and douse it in ro.

Not to question but are you sure its a mantis and not a pistol. Did you get a good look at him? Mantis are ugly buggers.
I have no idea what kind of mantis he is, i only saw him briefly under a rock and it wasnt light enough to make out the color or pattern, but he is unmistakably a small mantis shrimp. Now I'm nervous to put my hands down in the rocks.... eeek!
If I catch him I'll gladly give him to whoever wants him.

As far as pistol shrimp go, i think he may have killed one in my tank, I used to always see one near where he was, but recently it looks like the pistol disappeared. I think they had a dual. No he is a mantis, I saw those stalky eyes and scaled body....
Saltwater Endeavors (US1 and Indiantown Road in Jupiter) has a large peacock Mantis - it was either $29.99 or $39.99 - sorry that I can't recall which. It was there when they closed this evening. The are closed on Monday's but will be open on Tuesday noon to 8:00.