Help me choose my fish... please...


In Memoriam
I currently have a 125g Reef tank, SPS, zoo's, rics, etc. Majority SPS will be my tank. I am trying to figure out what fish I want in my tank and this is the list I have come up with. Before you say some of these fish are either not safe for a reef tank or are too small for my tank, please understand I have seen these fish in many peoples tanks without them having a problem and I will soon be upgrading to a 300g tank when I move, all fish/coral will be transferred to this tank at the end of this year. Really all I am worried about is if I am going to have a ick disaster with all these tangs and I have some prized zoo's I really do not want to use. I guess, maybe I am trying to tell you not to tell me to get some of these fish, but at the same time, would like to hear suggestions, I guess that's a bit stubborn huh? Lol. Let me know what you think...

Interested in purchasing:

Blue Girdled Angelfish (Majestic Angel)
Australian Harlequin's Tusk
Purple Tang
Chevron Tang
Red Sea Sailfin Tang
Hippo Tang
Mandarin Dragonet
Clarkii Clown
Dispar Anthias (10 of them)

I already have:

Yellow Tang
Gold-Stripe Maroon clown (Female, waiting on male)
Ocellaris Clown
Black Ocellaris Clown
Blue Chromi's (3 of them)

Thanks in advance for all suggestions/comments,
-Mike C.
Your choices are great, don't worry about ick, if you get it I will give you a batch of my fish food and I can guaranty you the ick will go away and your fish will get healthy and fat.
The only issue you may have is the clarky been harrased by the large marroon, other than that you know better to place all the tangs in the tank at the same time to avoid conflicts.

Good luck
Rogger, what's the recipe? I could use some magic food, I am still paranoid over every little spot I see on my tangs after the move.
With the Harlequin's Tusk you wont be able to keep snails,crabs, and cleaner shrimp which I feel are more beneficial to the well being of your tank then the HT will ever be.IMO.If your worried about ick that cleaner shrimp can be a powerful help if an outbreak occurs.
Thanks rogger, so far, I haven't had a problem with my maroon getting agressive with my clowns, she is actually a pretty peaceful fish, don't know how she is going to be when I pick up your male though :) Rogger you got PM.

Andrea, your going to hate me for the zoo's I got from Pat today... Bright red... beautiful.

-Mike C.
In my humble opinion the tank may be too small for 10 anthias. If you like truly schooling fish, look into the Blue Eye cardinal. I have a school of 13 in a 180 that school pretty tight, withotu quarelling or pairing off. I call them my 13 Warriors, there's so cool. JOHNNY
Re: Help me choose my fish... please...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7525937#post7525937 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ZURCSREEF
Majority SPS will be my tank.

So you should give those red zoos to me then........:lol:

I got some insane red RPE's from him about a month ago and they are growing like mad.
I know, I was hurt when I saw those were gone :P When these grow out a bit more, maybe we can do a swap.

-Mike C.
That sounds good to me. I am wondering whether I should put them on a bigger rock or just leave them on the sand and they'll grow over the edges.
When you see they are growing over the edges, put them on a bigger rock, or just put a few nice flat pieces around it.

-Mike C.