Help me decide to keep tank or not :(


New member
I am moving soon and while I tried to figure out the logistics of moving my tank I feel like it might be better for live stock/equipment and me to part ways for now..

Met a lot of great people on this forum so in the back of my head I don't want to give reefing up.

But since I don't have my own house it makes sense, and it would save me quite a bit of money(money is tight).

I know I can sell the equipment rather easy its just the black ice clown fish that I have had for two years... I feel like I can't just sell them to anyone since I want them to have a good home... and If I bring them back to the LFS they will just get re-sold to who knows :(

If anyone has insight on what I should do, since I am sure I'm not the only one who has gone through this.

Here is a list of some of the stuff I would be getting rid of:

BRS 150gpb r/o
AI hydra w/ director
Mr Aqua rimless tank 17.1g
ADA style Custom stand
BRS deluxee reactor
10g sump w/ filter socks
sca 301 skimmer w/ silencer
ecotech mp10
mame glass overflow w/ adapter,silencer,float switch
tunze silence pump
cobalt neo-therm heater

ORA black ice clown fish (pair)
blue mandarin
cherry crush chalice
La lakers zoa
Red hornet- zoa
tri color sps
slimer sps
birdsnest sps
event horizon acan
rainbow acan
Everyone I know has had this feeling MANY MANY times, but its to hard to walk away from something you love. Once its all gone you will be kicking yourself in the butt. HOWEVER ------ If you decide to part ways im interested in your MP 10 and all the corals.
If money is tight, selling and keeping the tank provide vastly different results. On going output verse a decent onetime input. I'd sell if there's any money doubts
Keep it but if you decide to part out, I'll take the BRS deluxe reactor w/ pump, blue mandarin, and lots of zoas!

But seriously, KEEP IT if money is not tight :)
Keep it. I was on a rough road myself a few months ago...tank crashed from a doser failure. Killed all my prize Euphyllias. I gave it a long hard thought of selling...But i know i would just return.
But if you do part like to see the frogspawns.
Keep it!!!
A 17 gal. tank is easy to move. I sold my 120 gallon reef tank last year. A hose came loose and it flooded the upstairs and came down to the first floor and soaked the sofa. Wife got mad and the tank went Bye-Bye. :hmm5:
I missed it sooo bad, always lurking fish stuff on the internet, surfing Reefcentral, etc. :reading:
My wife felt sorry for me and now I have a 56 gallon column 'species' tank- Carpet nem (S. gigantea and clowns) and the hoses are now GLUED!!!! together to prevent spills.
(Going to work my way back to another 120 with time :dance:)
if anything sell the live stock and hold onto the tank and equipment till you think your ready to start up again....... i went through this for health and financial reasons and sold my 75g...... wish i would have never done it because 2 months later i bought a 30 gallon rimless from deep blue and started all over with equipment....... couldnt stand just watching TV in the living room i needed my tank back lol.
Keep it. A tank that small would be super easy to move.. Just put everything in 5gal buckets and keep the water. If you have sand rinse it good with old saltwater before you put it back in. Basically do a 50% water change and you should be GTG. If you lose any sps corals lmk and I can probably help you out.
I appreciate all the advice and pms from everyone. I am still thinking it through I will be sure to let you know If i sell anything.

Keep it. A tank that small would be super easy to move.. Just put everything in 5gal buckets and keep the water. If you have sand rinse it good with old saltwater before you put it back in. Basically do a 50% water change and you should be GTG. If you lose any sps corals lmk and I can probably help you out.

Thanks for the advice!

I am still waiting on the home owner but I might actually move into your neighborhood haha
looks like I am selling everything the new place I am going to won't allow tanks ;(

Going to do a water change and figure out how I am getting rid of corals and fish first.

Then I will post up some prices and pictures when I can.
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