Help me ID what these two things are please.


New member
So two or three weeks ago I got a pistol shrimp/goby pair, so I started feeding mysis shrimp and a filter feeder liquid food for my corals. I have a 13 gallon all in one nano and everything seems to be thriving and doing well, water params are pretty good and stable.

I have two questions.
1. I have a snail (not sure the type) and this long tube-like thing is growing off his shell. Should I remove it? Any idea what it is? I'll attach a pic.
2. I've recently noticed a large amount of small "˜pod'-like critters in my tank. At first I thought they were bubbles sticking to the glass (I could never completely get rid of the micro bubbles from my skimmer to my display, oh well, I'm not too particular). Anyways, today upon closer inspection I can see that it's hundreds of small, actively moving critters. Fascinating! Just curious what they might be and if they're harmful. Also, are they a part of my filter feeder food?

Lastly, I just want to say, that to my best guess, I don't overfeed. I may even be overly cautious and underfeeding. This is my second aquarium, it's fairly new, and it was a while between my last one and this one. The filter food says to put 4-5 drops /gallon/day. I usually put about 8 drops in a turkey baster mixed with tank water and squirt around my two corals every other day or so. Initially it was hard to measure the frozen shrimp to feed, but I've gotten better at crushing it and just using a tiny amount 1-2 times a day. I have three snails, three hermits, an acan named Acorn, a Duncan named Duncan, a goby named Doby, and a Randall's pistol shrimp named Randy.

Thanks in advance for any advice!! :)




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