Help me set up an SPS frag/QT tank


New member
I am getting to the point where any type of SPS STD would be a disaster. So I am going to set up a frag/QT tank for SPS. I am picking up an existing set up from a reefer getting out of the hobby. I am tempted to plumb this tank to my existing tank but I am worried that it would not longer function as a QT. My goal is to keep things cheap and simple. I'd really like to get some feedback so don't hold back! Here is the equipment that I have:

TANK - 55g that I'll be putting a rack about 12" below the surface.

SKIMMER-None I do have a small one I could use if I wanted to but do I need one with no fish?


LIGHTING- 2x15010k mh 2x96 pc


FLOW 3-4 maxi jets on a wave timer

If it's going to be "tied in" then it won't really work too well as a QT tank. You could however, tie it in and run with the added volume until you got new corals. Then, Simply make sure you have ball valves on the pipes that connect the two, and close it off of the main system while you QT.

If you discover some type of ailment to the corals or you use some type of medication, I would urge you to discard the water that was in the 55 during the process.

Also, you will need additional pumps/heaters to do it like this, but I think it would work pretty slick. You could always use the 55g for a frag tank as well.

JMO, keep us posted!

nebraskareef hit it on the head. If you have it plumbed to the main system then all you have is a sump with frags in it unless you completely separate it from the main system with the ball valves and such. Then you have a QT but like above said, and once you have QT'd for AT LEAST 4-6 weeks, then you should discard/drain the 55 gallon water and make like a water change with 55 new gallons of freshly made saltwater. Then you can open the ball valves and let the system run as a loop.
Thats a really cool idea. What do you guys this of this set up as a stand alone. I am worried it will be too sterile. No fish LR etc?

I don't really have my heart set on plumbing it in, but it would be easier to maintain. Bad part about plumbing it in, my fish room is real small!
Well, Personally I would just plumb it in and be done with it. If you were to run it "stand alone", I would have to suggest that you leave the tank empty, dry until you plan to get some new stock. At that point, you could remove 55g from the 280, and fill up the 55. An extra water change couldn't hurt, could it?

I don't know what electricity costs there, so it may just be easier for you to run the 55 all the time.

as for "too sterile", as long as you syphon any crud from the bottom on a regular basis, you should be ok IME.

There are MANY ways to run a good sps QT though, search around a little more. I'm sure more will chime in and blow my theory to holes anyway! :uzi: :lol: