Help me start up


New member
Hi guys!

I have made my decision, I want to go all in on aquaforest products.

Right now I have some struggles with the colors on my corals, and had some algea problems in the past. Other then that, everything i running great now.

I do not have so much corals, so I keep my levels steady with weekly water changes, around 10%.

What do I need to start up on AquaForest?

Right now, I have only LPS, but if everything is doing great, I will add some SPS to the tank as well.

My tank is around 64G, total water volume os around 70G. It's light up with two Kessils.

I don't know what else you need to know to guide me the best, but I hope you will ask for it, if anything is missing :-)

Thank you!
Hi guys!

I have made my decision, I want to go all in on aquaforest products.

Right now I have some struggles with the colors on my corals, and had some algea problems in the past. Other then that, everything i running great now.

I do not have so much corals, so I keep my levels steady with weekly water changes, around 10%.

What do I need to start up on AquaForest?

Right now, I have only LPS, but if everything is doing great, I will add some SPS to the tank as well.

My tank is around 64G, total water volume os around 70G. It's light up with two Kessils.

I don't know what else you need to know to guide me the best, but I hope you will ask for it, if anything is missing :-)

Thank you!

Thank You for ask about our products.
Did You read Guide?

Can We see photos of Your tank, corals, equipment?
It will be easier to suggest dosing.


I have read the guide several times now, and understand it better now :-)

But I have some questions.

Component 1+, 2+ and 3+ is a all in one solution, includes everything the reefs need. Including Ca, Mg and KH buffer, and all micro elements like Iron, Iodum and so on - all the important stuff.
With this, you dose equal amount of all 3, and then all the values will be good and stable.

OR, you could use the Ca, MG and KH to keep your values stable. Dose different amount of everything, depending on the usage of it, in the tank.

Other then this 3 things, you can use either components strong, to add the trace elements like Iodum and so on. This is added to the Ca, MG and KH solution.

If not using components strong, you can dose 6 different things for them self, Iodum, Strontium, Flourine, Kalium, Iron and "Micro E".
I couldn't find much info about these, but I'm guessing, you add after how much use of it in your tank. Using different testkits to get the info?

Is it the correct, the understanding I have of it?

What are the pros and cons of the above? I'm pretty sure there must be some difference after all? I'm not afraid of some more manual work, if it's what it takes, to get the reef to look the best.

The easy thing is the component x+, but why use that instead of Ca, KH and MG buffer, and mix in either components strong or the 6 micro elements by them selv?
Thank You for ask about our products.
Did You read Guide?

Can We see photos of Your tank, corals, equipment?
It will be easier to suggest dosing.


Hi Aquaforest.

Here is a brand new picture of my tank.
As you can see, there is not meny corals, due to some problems earlier in the tanks life. I have just added 3 new corals, two euphyllia and a monti cap's, to see how they do. But when the tank is running again, hopefully with great help from your products, the real stocking will begin!
I'm planning on LPS and SPS, hopefully SPS dominated.

DT is around 64G, and total water volume with sump and everything is around 70G.
I have a Nyos Quantum 160 skimmer, so that's a rather large skimmer for a system of my size.
Circulation is one MaxSpect Gyre XF130.
I have a small refugium in my sump, but if that's not needed when switching to Aquaforest, I will use that space for other things?

Is that enough info? :-)

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About dosing Ca,Kh,Mg You can find info in Guide:


For start You can dose 2 drops of :
Pro Bio S and -NP Pro.

What Is Your light? (looks like Led)
What kind of corals do You want to keep? SPS,LPS?

When You will add more eps corals You Can Start do use:
AF Amino Mix, AF Build, AF Energy, AF Vitality - per 1 drop every other day - after few weeks 2 drops.

About dosing Ca,Kh,Mg You can find info in Guide:


For start You can dose 2 drops of :
Pro Bio S and -NP Pro.

What Is Your light? (looks like Led)
What kind of corals do You want to keep? SPS,LPS?

When You will add more eps corals You Can Start do use:
AF Amino Mix, AF Build, AF Energy, AF Vitality - per 1 drop every other day - after few weeks 2 drops.



Is it understood correct, that number 2 and 4 are the same, the only difference is you mix number 2 yourself - else it is the complete same in the two?

Number 3 is for "advanced users" that will control everything by themself?

And number 1, what is that good for? :-)

Pro Bio S and -NP Pro is for Nitrate and Phosphate control, rigtht?

I have 2 LED Lights, Kessil A360WE over my tank, but I have an argument with my self to sell them, and change to T5 instead.

I want to have a mixed reef. I want some beautiful LPS corals, and then SPS in top, and around. So the best of both world.

What kind of salt will you recommend me?

My LPS now had lost all it colors. The last few weeks, I've fed them mysis, and they begin to look better. Do you think your products can help them get colors back, and what to use for that?

Thank you :dance:
You understood correct:)
2 and 4 is the same.. (4 is comfortable version:) )
Number 3 for advanced, number 1 for tank with small volume of corals.

Pro Bio S (probiotic bacteria) and -NP Pro (Liquid polymer- culture medium for probiotic bacteria) - that's for reduce NO3 and Po4.

For start We recommend to use Reef Salt - when You would like to reduce PO4 and NO3 more try to use Probiotic Reef Salt - that salt contains Probiotic bacteria, food for them, amino and vitamins.
LPS corals also likes low NO3 and PO4 (not 0 but detectable) to show their colors:) - what is your levels?