Here we go again. Just got a monster deal on a 300 gallon Miracles aquarium so time to start building the stocking list. Could you some help/ideas. Would like some movement and fish in all levels of the water column, but don't want to go too crazy where I will be fighting nutrient issues too much to focus on the corals. See below:
300 gallon (mixed reef, mainly LPS)
70 gallon sump
135 gallon frag tank
H&S Skimmer
Current Inverts:
5 - Cleaner shrimp
Multiple RBTA
Usual CUC, but I'm fine changing given some fish on my list eat crabs/snails which is fine
Current Fish:
1 firefish (will stay in frag tank)
1 royal Gramma
1 Midas Blenny
1 Starry Blenny
3- PJ Cardinals
1 Blue Spotted Goby
1 Melanurus Wrasse
1 Flame Angel
3-Osc Clowns (2 will stay in frag tank)
1- Green Mandarin (will stay in frag tank)
300 gallon future list for your review:
Blueface Angelfish
Emperor Angelfish
Blonde Naso Tang
Blue Tang
8" future Tang (haven't decided on which like chevron, PBT, etc) (Can do without)
8" future Tang (haven't decided on which like chevron, PBT, etc) (Can do without)
Blue Throat Trigger
Canthigaster Puffer
Flame Hawkfish (this one can go if I'm stocked too heavy)
Blotched Anthia
5- Lyetail Anthias
4 - Clownfish (2 different pairs probably percs)
Royal Gramma (can be moved to frag tank)
Midas Blenny
Starry Blenny
3 - PJ cardinals
Blue Spotted Goby
Melanurus Wrasse
Flame Angel
New Reef Safe Wrasse (TBD, can do without)
Lyretail Wrasse (can do without this one)
Skeletor or Golden Dwarf Moray Eel (would really like this one so can do without some of the fish on this list and/or move them to the frag tank)
Carpet Anemone (Can be move to frag tank if needed)
I come up with about 200" of fish if everything gets to maximum size. I'm afraid I'm probably overstocking so definitely need your help and insight. Also worried if I will be fighting bioload too much for the corals. Also if I do this list am I fully stocked or do I have room for 1 or 2 small fish in the future. I plan on stocking very slowly (least agressive to most aggressive, eel last) so my 600lbs of LR, skimmer and ATS can keep up.
300 gallon (mixed reef, mainly LPS)
70 gallon sump
135 gallon frag tank
H&S Skimmer
Current Inverts:
5 - Cleaner shrimp
Multiple RBTA
Usual CUC, but I'm fine changing given some fish on my list eat crabs/snails which is fine
Current Fish:
1 firefish (will stay in frag tank)
1 royal Gramma
1 Midas Blenny
1 Starry Blenny
3- PJ Cardinals
1 Blue Spotted Goby
1 Melanurus Wrasse
1 Flame Angel
3-Osc Clowns (2 will stay in frag tank)
1- Green Mandarin (will stay in frag tank)
300 gallon future list for your review:
Blueface Angelfish
Emperor Angelfish
Blonde Naso Tang
Blue Tang
8" future Tang (haven't decided on which like chevron, PBT, etc) (Can do without)
8" future Tang (haven't decided on which like chevron, PBT, etc) (Can do without)
Blue Throat Trigger
Canthigaster Puffer
Flame Hawkfish (this one can go if I'm stocked too heavy)
Blotched Anthia
5- Lyetail Anthias
4 - Clownfish (2 different pairs probably percs)
Royal Gramma (can be moved to frag tank)
Midas Blenny
Starry Blenny
3 - PJ cardinals
Blue Spotted Goby
Melanurus Wrasse
Flame Angel
New Reef Safe Wrasse (TBD, can do without)
Lyretail Wrasse (can do without this one)
Skeletor or Golden Dwarf Moray Eel (would really like this one so can do without some of the fish on this list and/or move them to the frag tank)
Carpet Anemone (Can be move to frag tank if needed)
I come up with about 200" of fish if everything gets to maximum size. I'm afraid I'm probably overstocking so definitely need your help and insight. Also worried if I will be fighting bioload too much for the corals. Also if I do this list am I fully stocked or do I have room for 1 or 2 small fish in the future. I plan on stocking very slowly (least agressive to most aggressive, eel last) so my 600lbs of LR, skimmer and ATS can keep up.