Help me with ATO kalk dosing!


New member
I've read many of the articles and can't decide which route is best for me.

Tank specs:
50g with small sump, probably 50g total volume with a mixed reef of zoas, SPS, and LPS.

I am thinking about using a 5g bucket with a float valve at the top of the bucket to add the RO water. Then add my kalk to this bucket. My question is what is the best way to get the kalk water from the bucket to the sump?

My ATO is a float valve directly from my RO. I am looking for an answer to the posted question or any suggestions.
I used Aqua Lifter Vacuum Pump, Pump the kalk water from a 5 gallon bucket. I used a peace of Styrofoam to float the line in the bucket. That way you get only the clear water. If you have a controller you can dose kalk in the night when PH is at its lowest. I hope this helps
IT would be a really good idea to not have your RODI go directly into your sump as part of your ATO. If your float switch should fail not only are you looking at a flood but a flood AND a tank crash.

Best Practice would be to have your RODI to fill a container with a float switch outside of your sump, in this case a 5G bucket into which you'll add Kalk.

The Best way to deliver saturated limewater (kalk) is with a peristaltic pump, the way most of us do it is with a Tom's aqualifter.
Well i wouldn't recommend the way u have the top off setup currently. For a number of reasons. Some already mentioned. But to answer your original question the best way way to move the saturated lime water from the 5 gallon bucket would be to use a peristaltic pump with a controller or a digital timer if u don't have a controller

U can't constantly be filling the 5 gallon bucket that has the Kalk in it though. U need to fill it mix the Kalk. let it sit over night then it can be used. Don't add water again to the bucket till it's empty. Then refill and mix again and let it sit over night.

I have a BRS ATO 50ml peristaltic pump. This should work perfect right?

I guess my biggest question is can I replenish my ATO 5g bucket with RO water from a float valve (not switch) or do I have to add it manually in order to stir it up every once in a while?

I also have a reef keeper lite I can hook this up to...
I have a BRS ATO 50ml peristaltic pump. This should work perfect right?

I guess my biggest question is can I replenish my ATO 5g bucket with RO water from a float valve (not switch) or do I have to add it manually in order to stir it up every once in a while?

I also have a reef keeper lite I can hook this up to...

Brs 50ml is perfect.
U need to stir it up everytime u add fresh ro water to your limewater
Ok so no point in putting a float valve in my bucket...I am trying to make things as automated as possible so adding water to the bucket sucks for my plan.. :(
I would probably still put a float valve in, and a shut off valve before it. Then turn the shutoff valve on when u need to fill the bucket. Then turn the shut off off when the bucket is full. No buckets to carry at least that way
Could he just get a kalk stirrer to bypass the whole adding water and stirring by hand in the 5 gallon bucket then waiting all night before adding so the kalk can settle down ......just use a stirrer and lifter pump and let your ato push the lime water into your sump .....will that work?
Could he just get a kalk stirrer to bypass the whole adding water and stirring by hand in the 5 gallon bucket then waiting all night before adding so the kalk can settle down ......just use a stirrer and lifter pump and let your ato push the lime water into your sump .....will that work?

yes that is an option. It saves a lot of space to. I personally have used a few of them. That being said I don't use one anymore. If you have room I like using the settled lime and filling it once every few weeks. I personally next 35 gallons once every 3 weeks or so. I have it set on on pumped it dose the same amount every night.

but yes a kalk srirer or a kalk reactor will work
I'm looking at a TLF kalk reactor if I understand correctly I won't have to worry about adding water to anything. Just add kalk powder as needed?
Here is what I have done. I mix the kalkwasser in my ATO reservoir. I take what my average evaporation per day is and I use a dosing pump to add roughly 2/3 (1500 ml over 24 hours) of what is evaporated since evaporation is a variable and can fluctuate. The remaining amount of evaporation is then topped off with the ATO pump (Coralvue SmartATO) from the same reservoir. By doing it this way, I am able to mitigate any PH spikes. The ATO is connected to my controller and will shut off should the PH exceed 8.5 and turn back on when it drops below 8.4. I would strongly advise against dosing Kalk without a controller or PH monitor, at least in the beginning.

Remember, stability is key. My parameters don't fluctuate. Ever.

For kalk, I use Mrs Wages Pickling Lime, and since I have a demanding sps tank, add 1 tablespoon per gallon plus 1/3 cup of white vinegar per 5 gallons to strengthen the mix (don't do this if you don't have the demand). This allows me to maintain my A & B with only dosing 26ml of each per day. On a side note, the vinegar also provides an organic carbon source.

Start small and increase over a few weeks. If you happen to spike your PH by overdosing, don't panic and do something drastic. It will drop. Adding 1/2 cup of white vinegar to your tank will help lower the PH quicker.

This is my end result:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo DSC_0363_zps2562f844.jpg"/></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_7759_zpsc5cfb277.jpg"/></a>
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