help- mushroom squirt me in eye!


New member
I need some information about mushroom anemones and whether not not they release toxins, etc.

Recently, my tank has become overrun with mushrooms. So yesterday (Sunday) I decided to pull a few pieces of LR out of the tank & scrape the 'shrooms off with a razor blade.

Everything was going fine until a shroom decided to squirt fluid out -- directly into my eye!

Almost immediately my eye began to burn & turn bloodshot! I quickly began to run my eye under running water. The rest of the day (this happened around 2:00PM), my eye burned.

Today (Monday), my eye is feeling better. But it is still bloodshot and my eyelid is slightly swollen.

Please tell me that this has happened to someone else before
I doubt anything seriouse could happen. I would just try flushing it some more and go from there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6682405#post6682405 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Brock Fluharty
One did that to me once, but it didn't hurt...

Hey, I am in 8th grade too...
Hey. I too had water from coral splash into my eye. My story is a little different however and I don't want to freak you out. I was cutting some shrooms in a bucket when it happened so the corals were stressed. That evening, my eye was stinging and a little itchy. I really didn't think it was that big of a deal until I woke up the next morning with it really red and irritated. I decided to see a doctor later that day because the burning would not stop no matter how much preservative free eye drops I put in. My doctor prescribed me some antibiotic gel for my eye. I started putting those in as soon as I got home. Later that evening my eye started to get worse. The swelling went up and the irritation persisted. I put up with it for that night and decided to go back into the doctor. This time they refered me to an opthamologist. It turned out the toxins had burned the top layer of my eye which was causing a lot of irritation. To make things short, I ended up seeing a doctor eveyday for a week and taking several different antibiotics. Poison control called me asking me all sorts of questions. I was the hottest case in every doctors office. The opthamologists even wanted a picture of the shrooms! It was a little scary knowing that all of the doctors that I spoke with didn't know exactly what to do! My eye is fine now, no permanent damage. My advice to you would be to keep a close eye on it especially for infection. There are many crazy things in the water like bacteria, fungus and algea.
SumoBlenny, I'm glad I read your post after my eye was feeling better. My eye stopped burning the next day when I woke up. The redness and swelling took another 24 hours. For now on, I'm wearing goggles!