So... I have a very healthy reef tank and its has been stable for many years. My most hardy (or so I thought) Rare Yumas have been doing some really weird things for just over a week now. First off there is about 60 of them in my tank and about 7 mother heads (5 inchs across, each) Two weeks ago I purchased a rock of rics from a crappy store thinking I was getting a great deal, well after I placed them in the tank about two days later they started losing color and spitting out a brown nasty substance from there mouths, bout two days after that they were all gone. 12 in all. Found this really crazy considering everything else in my tank is rocking. Just a couple days after those rics died or melted, my prized Yumas starting looking the same ways. They started losing color their electric yellows mouths turned white and are wide open? They started spitting out some brown stuff out of their mouths as well. Lite night I lost my first one. This was a beautiful 5 to 6inch Yuma that has been around for over 10 years and produced hundreds of off spring. I'm very sad but more concerned. I have never had a problem like this before. My levels are good and salinity is good, temp is good. Dont know what to do.... I still have many left but they are starting to do the same things as the others. These are also spread through out my entire tank not right next to each other which really is worrying me. Anybody, everybody- Please help! I'm sick watching my prized coral just fade away. Is this a Ric disease or is there such a thing? Help!