Help! My Maxima!!!


New member

I bought a maxima yesterday. This is my first clam. It looked great yesterday. It looks like it is in trouble today. Here's the story:

I placed him at a 45 degree angle at the bottom of my tank. Half on the sand and half on a rock. There was a space under him that was not touching anything but I thought most of his foot was in something.

The first to come check him out were the peppermint shrimp. That was fine as he has some aptasia growing on his side. Later the cleaner shrimp stopped by. This didn't worry me either. He remained open and didn't seem to mind their attention.

This am I got up and turned on the lights. I found my emerald crabs (about 3) on him and one inside, picking away at the mantle. The clam was not reacting much to the crabs. I did see the clam close once and expel water. After a bit I became worried. The mantle was detached somewhat and appeared to be shrinking in. I stuck in my hand and removed the clam. It didn't move at all as I grabbed him. I placed him in my refugium under 1 - 65w SmartLamp bulb (50% daylight and 50% actinic), about 2 inches from the surface. The lights there will be going out in about an hour so if this is too close to the light then it shouldn't be too bad right away.

Anyway, if anyone has any advice for me, I would really appreciate it. If anyone from Portland could come by and take I look, I would love you forever. Well, maybe. Anyway, all comments are welcome.

Scott W.
sorry to say but I bel. your clam was a gonner already...b4 u placed it in the refugium.
Was it responsive while it was in the fish store...
Well, here is the next problem. I am leaving town for the weekend on Friday. Should I take the clam out so he doesn't foul the system or should I leave him in and hope he recovers?

Scott it doesn't sound good at this point. If he wasn't reacting to the touch then I think he is dying. When you touch him on the mantle or byssal he should retract as that send electrical like impulse which causes him to retract.

When placing a new clam in your tank you should know what kind of lights that he has been under so that you can accimate him to your lighting. Place him so that he is streight up toward the light.

If seems to me that the craps seem to know when they are dead or dying anyway IME & IMO

From the sounds of it, you purchased a dead clam. Clams will react to light changes or disturbances. Jim has gotten his finger caught in one before...ouch!:eek1:

I for one think that if it has stopped reacting then it may have been a gonner before you were able to do anything about it. You may want to consider that if you want to keep clams, that the shrimp and crabs have to go. They are the fastest way that a clam will die unless you feed them specifically.:mad:

I don't have any in my tank nad have researched alternate methods of cleaning that are just as effective.
ANOTHER New addition to my SPS/Clam tank

ANOTHER New addition to my SPS/Clam tank

I had to go to LA today so I went by Jeff's Exotic Fish and he had just got in a nice shippment of T. Crocea and T. Maxima.

This is the 3 1/2" maxima I got. I got 2 more but lights went off before taking pic of them.
