help needed with zoa / algea??


New member
need id help with what ever is growing in between my blue tubb's.

i beleive it is some type of red bubble algea.

what can be done to get rid of this?

or should i cut off the good polyp's and glue to a piece of lr

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thank you
Practice your husbandry skills...

Practice your husbandry skills...

I agree with the macro algae as best one can tell from the pics.

Before you go nuts with the peroxide a little husbandry work with the tweezers might do you just as much good and spare to chance you destroying some of those polyps. Everyone may not feel the same but I would only do peroxide dip as a last ditch effort on unhealthy polyps. Macro algae is not last ditch and those polyps are to healthy looking to take the risk... Besides nothing makes me sicker than seeing polyps foaming at the mouth because they did not close all the way.

Put some tank water in a bowl, transfer that frag plug over to it and go to town with the tweezers. Repeat as needed weekly. When the polyps get that area covered the issue should get resolved...