Help on identifying these corals


Love to learn
I got these corals on a piece of Florida live rock I purchased 2 weeks ago. I've been trying to figure out what they are so I can best care for them.

This one seems to be OK and the brown "hair" retreats when I target feed them. Is that a good or bad sign?

The second one I thought was a goner, but now is showing signs of life, with 8 polyps looking alive.

These appear to doing OK.

Thanks for any help :)
The first pic is showing up kinda blurry, looks not so good, maybe dead? The second looks like a Tubastea (sun coral) and the third looks like a Rhizo
You must have some aquacultured Florida live rock.. Those are your basic Caribbean cup and tube corals. Exact identity I dont know off the top of my head. Most of the live-rock suppliers have a id guide on their sites like TB or Gulfview.
Thank you! Since, I've been researching them for a while now and haven't been able to nail them down.

The good news is they both seem to be getting healthier. So if I'm successful reviving these hopefully I'll be able to get some more interesting corals down the road.

Also, sorry for the bad pics. I think I'm going to have to invest in a better Macro lens for my SLR, since I just can't seem to get them in focus.

All the best :)
Update: Better picture of the brown coral

Update: Better picture of the brown coral

This picture shows the coral details much better than the first one I shared. The radial polyp pattern looks familiar to me, but I haven't been able to find anything like it yet in my recent research. Any help would be greatly appreciated, so I can determine if I'm caring for it correctly. E.g. the best light intensity (Kessil A160WE) and feeding (using Phyto and Oyster Feast). BTW, it's pretty small, with each polyp being about 2-3mm diameter and the entire coral being about 15mm wide, 20mm long, 10mm tall.

Thank you!

Close-up picture of a polyp

Close-up picture of a polyp

Here's a close up of a couple of the polyps I thought might be helpful.

Is this a Button Coral?

Is this a Button Coral?

I talked to my LFS yesterday and they were sure it's a Button Coral that occasionally comes on Florida Live Rock they sell. I haven't been able to find anything like it in my searches, though. Most of what I find are Button Polyps. I must be overlooking something completely obvious, being a newbie coral keeper.

I'll keep on researching.
But to answer your question in the order the pictures are posted. Star coral, tube coral and cup coral I have all three as well in my tank from Florida live rock.