help please green skeleton infection

The few AC pieces I've gotten that were labeled Bali AquaCultured came with the same problem. I was told it is a green boring algae. I have successfully fragged those pieces and the problem doesn't reappear on successive generations. HTH.

It is phosphate wicking. The skeleton of a coral is just like live rock, bacteria don't know a difference, so it will transport phosphate into the coral's skeleton. This phosphate will fuel algae growth which turns it green.

i have been running phos ban and rowa for 6 months now. phos is 0. this was a wild acro i think. all other acros are fine . thank you josh
Yup, its p04. Having the same thing going on in my tank and my water also tests at 0. Sometimes its used up in the water column, or absorbed by your phos removing media so the tests can't read it.
Will phosphate wicking kill a coral, i have 1 coral that is stn'ing at the base very very slowly, is it best to frag this coral above and attach elsewhere?
in my frag tank i have hair algae, and the color of the phos test is so clear copared to the 0 on the test card. so i take it that hair algae removes phos. so this is what a algae scrubber does.