help pls anyone ?

c. dawg

New member
Does anyone know how to encourage the growth of chaeto and caulerpa. Mine never seems to grow - or am i expecting it to grow to fast. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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one 10,000 k and one actenic blue light bulb (maybe mispelled). 0 nitrites , nitrates, and ammonia. 8.0 ph and 1.025 salinity. What is wierd is that hair algae isnt even growing. there is an occasional tail of some feather-like, brownish algae on the glass
What's the wattage of those bulbs? Your pH could stand to come up some, around 8.2-8.4 would be better ;) With 0 nitrates, it's a good bet the macro's could use some more nutrient inputs. The easy way is to feed the tank more ;)
both bulbs are 18 watts and are fluorescent. when you say feed the tank more do you mean with fish food such as mysis shrimp or is there some type of supplement i could use