Help Polyp Bailout? or Tissue Recession? Please Help!


New member
I have started adding a few (3) pieces of euphilia (hammer and frogspawn) corals a few weeks ago and they did well at first and we extending their polyps. I have checked all of my water parameters and nothing seems to be off, even had the water checked at my LFS just be sure. Nothing that they could find. What is going on? I have tried switching the flow from a low breeze to a long pulse flow (a little stronger but definitely not beating them to death). My water salinity is at 1.024 My Phosphates 0, Trates and Trites 0, Ammonia 0, pH is 8.2, dKH was 450, I can't think of anything. I have staked out my corals at night to see if something is bothering them. Nothing. Can't seem to figure out what is going on. My temp stays between 78 and 79.:headwally: Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Attached are some photos of the tissue peeling off of the skeletons.


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Can you post the size of your tank, all tank mates, and how old it is?

**Also, what kind of lights do you have these under? Sometimes if they're different than what they are kept at the LFS the change can shock them if not done gradually. How were they acclimated?
I've been having the same thing happen to my hammers. All water tests are good but still they are starting to not puff up. I thought it was my yellow headed sand sifter that's been spitting sand all over them for a while so I got him out Saturday and still waiting for a result. I have had my colony for 3 years plus always super healthy and multiplying like crazy except for a few weeks ago they just seem not happy. Only addition was the goby 6 months plus ago. I hate that thing anyways so off to the sump. I just hope my orange hammer bounces back. Good luck with your op hope you find out what it is.
I have a 30 gallon AIO innovative marine Nuvo tank. I am using a LED Radion light over the tank suspended about 10 inches above the water. I acclimated them by drip method and they seemed to open up. hmm..running out of ideas?
as far as tank mates I have one barnacle blenny who barely comes out but to eat, a sixline wrasse, 3 springer damsels, and two small (about an inch and a half each) black and white clowns. I have 3 pom pom crabs, 4 sexy shrimp, 30 or so blue leg hermits, an abalone (tiger racer), and a tuxedo urchin...and various snails. I also have a cynarina, a green toadstool, various mushrooms, some zoas, a carnation (NPS) and three feather dusters.
I can't give you a good answer, but running carbon never hurts incase its something the corals themselves are releasing in the water. Are any of your other corals acting up?

I only asked those questions because I knew when someone else comes along who might be able to answer your questions, they would too. Sorry I can't be of more help to you.
I was going to say to either your lights up, put the coral in a shaded area, or dim your lights. If you run carbon water will be clearer But still dim the lights to acclimate the corals.

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