New member
I have started adding a few (3) pieces of euphilia (hammer and frogspawn) corals a few weeks ago and they did well at first and we extending their polyps. I have checked all of my water parameters and nothing seems to be off, even had the water checked at my LFS just be sure. Nothing that they could find. What is going on? I have tried switching the flow from a low breeze to a long pulse flow (a little stronger but definitely not beating them to death). My water salinity is at 1.024 My Phosphates 0, Trates and Trites 0, Ammonia 0, pH is 8.2, dKH was 450, I can't think of anything. I have staked out my corals at night to see if something is bothering them. Nothing. Can't seem to figure out what is going on. My temp stays between 78 and 79.:headwally: Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Attached are some photos of the tissue peeling off of the skeletons.