New member
how much waterflow and light does a purple mushroom frag need. my buddy gave me one, and i dont how to keep it. I have a 10 gallon eclipse tank with 14 watts,and 1 pump, and the basic filter. Its 2 months old with LR, some orange zoas, 2 snails, and no fish... ANY ADVICE?????????
Your new shroom will adapt to your lighting if not mounted to rock or rubble keep away from pump very easy to take care of. Im sure others will have more info for you so come others lets get him going.

Mahalo, Ike
You should be fine, put it in a brighter spot in your tank--- I assume your tank has a 14w PC light, right? I've seen some very nice mushroom gardens under fairly dim PC's.

My mushrooms sit under a 4-tube T5 system, but they sit way back in a corner way away from the light and they get a LOT of shade from some Devil's breath algae I grow in the tank, and they are very happy.
Low flow area and I believe your lighting will be fine as the others have stated. My most successfull mushroom tank was keep under NO- T-8 lighting and they thrived. I currently have mushrooms in a bow front tank under 130W PC lighting at all different heights 4" from to surface to all the way to bottom of the tank without any issues.

Good luck.