Help! Red bugs ?


New member
I need help everyone!

I fear I have found red bugs in an acro frag that I have had and a colony that I bought not too long ago... I am unsure of how to get rid of them and I dont want to kill the coral ! Anyone plz help I would greatly appriciate it as I do not want to lose my enitire system.
yes thanks crazy, I found another thread talking about them and luckly i had some left from my dog so i have been working with the system over the last hr or so ... I will let everyone know how it turns out ! Thanks again!!

Interceptor is the best way to go. It will kill any crustaceans though (usually). I see you are in Florida, so if you have a hard time finding any, let me know. It's great to buy in 6 packs to treat incoming corals. No coral goes in my tank without it now. I'm not letting myself get that or AEFW. You would only need 1 pill but I'd recommend just buying a 12 pack. Try your local vet. They usually charge about 40 bucks for a 6 pack. I buy mine online but my vet approves the prescription since online is cheaper.