Help Rhodactis Problem...


New member

I just received a Rhodactis, it was delivered today.

It was packed well, but somehow it got cut, not sure how bad as it's all shriveled up. But it is cut on the inside, not on the edge, it's enough to see a flap...

I put it in my tank and it's releasing brown stringy stuff (I didn't know mushrooms did that, I thought brown jelly was related to Lps).

Do you think it will be ok? What should I do?

I know Mushrooms are resilient, so I'm not sure how much to worry...


Here's a pic, it detached that side piece

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If the mouth is dissolved (hard to tell from pic) then the mushroom will probably dissolve away. Did you only get one polyp?
shade it for a few days, away from other corals..i had some hairies do that an they came back like a mad dog.. it turned out to be a beautiful pretty i sold it..

It's in a low flow spot, but it hasn't changed at all...

I'm not sure where the mouth is, all I see is the guts...

Yes, just the single polyp
I haven't lost one single mushroom the entire time I've had a reef tank, haha. The guts being released it normal for a mushroom when under severe stress. Just be sure you keep your water parameters decent, and keep the polyp(s) in an area of low flow so they have an easier time attaching firmly to the rock/rubble while healing up.
I haven't lost a coral either, but technically it's only my 3rd shroom, and it was shipped, so the shipping and the rock/peg it was attached to cut it somehow in the bag.

It looks pretty much the same right now, the guts are blue/purplish, is that a normal color? I've only seen them white...