HELP! Rinsing sand ideas


New member
I need ideas from those who have been here. I have 360lbs of Aragamax (sugar size) sand to rinse/clean before adding it to my new 180 gal. What is the best way of doing this? Please give me suggestion as to the easiest way you have found. I don't want to be spending a whole week rinsing 10lbs at a time if there is a better way.

Thanks for your help
I used a large bin, took it out in the street by the sewer drain, filled it half way with sand, threw the garden hose in it and let it run for about an hour while stirring it. I stirred with my hands while wearing those long orange gloves they sell. I lost a little sand, and I'm sure there are better ways, but it worked for me. Final rinse was about 50 ga of RO/DI water.

Let me know what you wind up doing.

I've drilled a bunch of little holes in the bottom of a bucket, then place a piece of window screen (with fine holes) in the bottom. You can rinse the sand pretty easy this way.
