HELP!! second unexplained sps death!


New member
A week ago I had an acro start dieing from the bottom up. I tried fraging an undamaged piece but it died to. I thought maybe it was from a nearby majano that might have stung it. I have a few other acros and a montipora digitata. Plus frogspawn hammer and many other lps and soft corals. I noticed a day ago that the digitata is now starting to die off in a couple spots.

My water tested great I do regular water changes I have 2-400watt MHs a small fuge in a wetdry turned sump. I just added a new skimmer since the one in the wetdry quit working awhile ago. There is more particles than usual floating around since I noticed a rise in nitrates I removed all prefilters. So I Just added new prefilters got my skimmer running and hopfully this will cure the problem. The other acors appear to be doing great.

So could the problem be from the particles floating in the tank? I also had a bad pump that put a small charge in the tank that could have caused it maybe? What do ya think?

I have done everything I know to prepare my tank for the addition of some sps now I have this set back. I was come purchase several large acros in a couple weeks but I want to solve this mystery first so I know they wont just die. Any other tips, suggestions or ideas?
Sometimes Acro deaths cause a chain reaction (chemical stimulus) that slowly(2-3 weeks) kills are others--this from an unfortune experience after hurricane Rita (i had wild colonies though) NO3 and PO4 spikes would be other things to consider. To possibly save other Acros I would put them in another tank (prop or grow-out) until they take a turn for the better--possibly an iodine bath.
no other tanks with proper lighting. I guess I'll keep my eyes on them and see if the others start dieing off. But as of right now they look better than ever with exception to the digi.
I understand--extra space and lighting are a luxury---could than monti be getting too much light?--just a thought--since maybe it's been stressed--and i've seen them grow better under reduced lighting.
what other sofites are you running in your system?

any leathers? decent amounts of mushrooms?

are you running any kind of chemical filtration on your tank? if so, what kind and how often?

how long have you had these acros before they started showing signs?

do you dip corals before introducing them to your tank?

how long did it take the corals to die off?
uhhh zoos kenya tree several leathers xenia procillapora monti cap. anemones and a few mushrooms (10-15 in a 150gal)

I occasionally use charcoal filter pads (1-2 x's a month)


No (I do now since the last frag of acro I got had red bugs) both were bought at a local fish store and they had them for a couple weeks before i got them

The first one took about a week and the second one is looking the same as a couple days ago with a few dead spots on it

not sure of the name I got it from a friend, It is a rooting plant and has long narrow leaves