help setting up Doser 2


Premium Member
As the title says need help setting up Doser 2.

I can add it to the myghl iphone app, but besides manually starting/stopping pumps, that's all I can figure out to do.

Went to the GHL website, opened an account, and got to the "manage devices" page. Under add new device, its asking for the my ghl-id; what is this?!

The app can be tricky to get into the pump settings. What I do is click on the gear icon on the upper right hand side of the app. Then go back to the pump page and tap on the bar for the amount of fluid in your container. This can take a couple of times to get the settings to come up but it will.:) I don't do the GHL cloud is it is Windows based and I use a Mac and it doesn't work in emulation with a virtual pc. So I just use the app on my iPhone generally don't change it often only once a month generally if my testing requires it.
Yes I also got it to work. Not sure how but I did. I had wanted to do a firmware upgrade that the app says I need.

Still would like to know what "my gal-id" is though
The firmware update has to be done with the doser connected to a window computer running the GHL software. It mostly is for using the cloud to connect your doser so you can check out your doser from the Internet.
Oh ok. Would be useful while away. Otherwise I did figure it out, and it worked perfectly! Thanks for your response and help
Hi Mike,

If would like to explore more of the Doser 2 features, send me a PM with your email address. I can send you the latest Doser 2 manual.
I love my doser 2, but one thing is, it is a pain in the but to get working and connected to your network. What a pain and there are no instructions on how to do this stuff, you just have to wing it or search and search and search on the internet hoping some other person has documented what they did to get it running.
Yeah I know. It hit me to look for a local wifi network as my ELOS lights are the same. Seems to be a European way to handle networks. Should be in the instructions to do this.

But now that's it done all good!