Help should I frag.


New member
Ok I got a large staghorn about 2 weeks ago and it looked somewhat bleached and had green algae in the center (algae almost gone now), I have let it be in my tank but I see only small off shoots that are opening up. Sould I frag it? The other sps I got has come to life and is realy opened up.
id say if theres dead areas and its spreading then hack it up....

corals that are receding can rtn before u know it,....

but if its just not as polypd out as u want it then give it some more time
dont cut it up until you notice it rapidly receeding from the dead spots. also dont confuse dead spots with bleeched spots. just give it some time before you think about cutting it up. often a stressed out coral will surely die if you go and hack it all up where as you would might have a better chance letting it pull through and recover and take the chance of loosing that way. but if it was me then i would cut it up until the recession is very dramatic and spreading rapidly, then save a frag or two of it and know that you gave it the best chance prior to fragging
