Help w/ID of small cryptic Hawaiian fish


New member
Hello all,

Today I was snorkeling off the coast of Makena on Maui. I photographed a pair of small cryptic fish that I have never seen before and I would appreciate your help in identifying the species. I have not yet developed the roll of film, but I will post it here as soon as I do. In the meantime, a vague description from memory will have to suffice.

Size: 2-3 inches
Color: The body and fins are mottled green, brown, black - with a cryptic color pattern reminiscent of a kelpfish or a Leafy Scorpionfish. On the belly are patches of bright neon blue.
Shape: Body is thin and tall, roughly similar to a Cardinalfish. Looks roughly circular when fins are extended. Dorsal fin is tall, rounded, cryptically fringed. Location: 15'-20' deep, swimming among corals, near Maui shoreline.

Thanks for looking!
More often than not when I've seen something I couldn't identify it was a color morphing juvenile.. The page posted above is a great start. If you find similar body shape there, you might be able to identify it by looking deeper at the fish that most closely matches what you saw and then check out what the fish looks like as a juvenile.. Just my 2cents
Thanks for the chart, but no I don't see the fish there. Although I know that it can be difficult to tell, when I saw the fish I got the impression that I was looking at an adult mated pair.
Are you sure it wasn't that zebra striped fish called "Made in Korea"? Jk

Thanks for the link to the charts.