Help w/ Unicorn Tank


Active member
I just bought a 4" Unicorn Tang and put him in my 120 Gallon Tank. The only other inhabitants are a small six-line wrasse, a scooter blenny, and a really small Yellow Tang. It doesn't look like he's doing so well. I put him in there last night and he seemed fine, but today he frequently has that camoflauged color and he doesn't seem to be moving around much. Is this just part of the acclimation process? My water parameters are good. Thanks for any feedback.
Did you put him directly into your tank from the bag or did you acclimate him to your tank water. If so, how long did you acclimate him for? He might be in shock if your tank water is much different than the water he came from (i.e. pH, temp, etc).
I've had mine for over a year now and he is doing great. It's normal for them to change colors when they get stressed. A good feeding should help to bring him out. I'm sure he'll be fine.
He's doing great, thanks for asking. I know have a Regal Angel that is having problems :(. But I just purchased him a couple of days ago, so maybe in a few days he'll start eating.
Most fish in their first few days are a little stressed so give it some time. As long as your water is good then you should be fine.