HELP! White Powder on Button Polyps


New member
There is a large button polyp rock in my dad's tank. Most of them are not opening up and there is a white powdery substance or residue on the closed heads of the polyps. Is this a fungus or something else? The water parameters of the tank are normal..but since it is not my tank I do not know all the specifics. Everything else in the tank (mushrooms, ricordias,Kenya tree, fish...all look great.) Any advice would be appreciated and make my dad's Christmas a lot better! :)

Without a pic it's hard to be sure but it does sound like a fungus.

My suggestion would be to dip in Furan2. One packet in one cup of reef water. Soak the colony for 25-30 minutes. Soak in reef water for 5-10 minutes afterwards to rinse. Return to tank. Do this once a day for three days then stop. Give it a few days to recover after that. If after a week since the first treatment it is not obviously better, repeat the treatment.

Others may have suggestions as well.