Help with 6155/6205 + 7095 controller


New member
I have a new 240g that I installed a 6155 and 6205 stream that are controlled by the 7095 controller. I have a problem in that one pump doesn't always obey the controller. Last night I activated feed mode and after a couple of minutes one of the pumps started cycling on and off even though the controller showed no activity should be taking place. When I disconnect power to the system and turn back on everything resets and they work properly. I'm not sure if my problem head is a 6155 or 6205 since I can't tell them apart.
Can any one help?
The 6155 will have a wider intake slot, about twice the width of what is on the 6205. The propeller will also be marked 51 (51mm) and the 6205 will be marked 48 for 48mm, the drive magnets are also different.

Usually something like this will be more likely related to the controller cable or a controller setting. In feed mode a 6155 (newer) will just twitch a 1/4-1/2 turn every 20 seconds. The 6205 (older) would turn a few revolutions. This is what the manual refers to as fishcare, it is designed to scare away a fish who might see the pump as a safe dark cave to enter when it is off. It may be normal if this is what is happening.
Roger, by your description its the 6155 that sometimes acts erractically. When it was pulsing during feed mode it was running very strongly, maybe at full intensity. Like I stated before "resetting" it gets it back to normal. What might be the issue with the controller cable?
The cables have 5 fine wires inside and a break in one of the wires can causes this, being pinched or pulled hard can break a wire. It can also be caused by any corrosion at the connection. It would be worth trying another cable.