Help with 7092 Wavecontroller


New member
I got a great deal on a Tunze "legacy" package, which includes a Wavecontroller 7092 and 2 x 6155 Stream Pumps.

I just set them up on same side of 180 (6' foot long tank). LOTS of water movement. But I'd like to set it to get back and forth waves. Is there a way to do this without adjusting the "Jumper" setting?

If so, how do I do it?

If not, I assume what I need to do is move pumps to opposite sides of tank, pop open controller (gulp!) and move "Jumper" to second setting: "Inverse," which will make pumps turn on and off alernatively.

Assuming this is the case, I further assume that, after reassembling controller, I could then depress "Auto Adjust" button for 2 seconds, sit back and wait until I see the wave I want, and then depress Auto button again?

Re opening controller to adjust Jumper, am I correct that I would pop off the two "pulse timer" with a flat headed screwdriver and then unscrew four screws on back of controller?


Mike (He may have once been a competent employment lawyer, but he has the technical skills of a Gibbon.)
Hi Mike,

You are correct, you will open the controller, remove the two screws on the back, pop the two knobs off the front with a screwdriver. I would first turn both knobs the same way until they stop and remember the way they are as you can reverse them 180 degrees when reinstalling them. Once inside, move the jumper to invert then one pump on each side and use auto tune to set the wave.
Great. Thanks!

Couldn't be happier with pumps/controller package. After some trial and error, I am getting comfortable with pumps on same side of tank. They create some nice back and forth waves across the tank. In 24 x 24 x 72 180 gallon tank, I have one about 6" from top and one below it by about 6" and am getting nice waves plus unbelievable amount of flow. Just what I wanted. I will be playing with settings on Wave Controller to see what else I can do. But I must say it is a big RELIEF to have this much flow without worrying about when the pumps will suddenly die or start to shake, rattle, and roll.


Thank you! You can do both pumps on the same side, that is usually better on wide tanks (30" plus) and 1 on each side is better on long tanks (6ft plus). You may get a bigger wave if they were opposite.