Help with battle of dinoflagellites


New member
So my predator tank developed this snot looking algae with bubbles in it months ago right after i added a gfo reactor. I figured the gfo put my tank in a mini cycle and thought nothing of it. But after two 5 gallon water changes each week and syphoning it out it just comes back. I have no idea what to do. I only have a few corals in the tank, all lps. Would turning the lights back to 4 hours a day help? Anyone have any success stories of batteling dinoflagellites? My other tank has non of this.
Found a product made by fauna marin called algae x that looks promising. Did some research on it and alot of people have had success using it. Algae x is now pretty much sold out everywhere and fauna marin updated the formula and now calles it dino x. Its fairly new and i was only able to find it on their website. Price plus shipping is close to on $60 for a 250ml bottle. Honestly if it works id spend twice that. Has anyone on here used the later algae x product by fauna marin?
I had a bad case of Dinos last year.

I did 5 days lights out, only turning the lights on for an hour to feed the fish.
No, i dont dose anything. Only do weekly water changes, use gfo in reactor and lights on at 11am and off at 8pm
I had an outbreak while running bio pellets due to the water being too clean, the pellets were feeding the dinos. I had to do extensive manual removal by sucking them out through a filter sock and letting it go back to my sump, then lights out for 4 days ....repeat if needed!!!!! I have heard good things about algae x but have no experience with it. I also read the Kordons ich attack also works for dinos
Well i just syphoned out as much of the dinoflagellates as i could get to without bothering the corals. And im starting my lights out today. I also covered the front of the tank with a beach towel seeing how my gf likes to keep all the lights on in the house. I guess ill just monitor the corals to see how they react to 5 days with no lights. Fingers crossed. And thanks theaquatect, ill read that post as well
You might find this thread an interesting read, especially if you cant easily get rid of the problem. The idea is to use your own skimmate and culture the bacteria who prey on the dinoflagellates. Doug @ Drysdale told me about this and the thread is an interesting read, though I have never tried it or had a problem with them myself.

This has some amazing info and who would have thought that the nasty yuck we pull out of our tank to keep it clean could work so well to clean up a nuisance like dinos
Its really a pain..I've had it for months. Came out of no where and now I can't get them to stop. I've tried hydrogen peroxide, raising PH, manual removal, water changes, etc. I'll read that thread and try it as well!
The dinoflaggellates thread is a fascinating read. I've been following it for fun. It will be necessary to identify the species of dino that you are fighting as there are separate cures for each species. Some make cysts that last decades; some can be erradicated quickly with biological or chemical means. Finding a good microscope with 40x magnification is most useful. HS or college bio labs may be a good starting point.
Once you have access to a scope, this is your next tool: There are some true experts lurking in the dino thread. They will be your best help.
Its a 55g long with a 10g sump. Skimmer is a SCA-301. Tank has alot of flow, probably excessive flow. Rio 2500 return and a wp25 on full blast set on wave 1. So far im about 24 hours with no light and the dinos havent grown (from what i can tell) since i syphoned as much of them out as i could
Seems like there should be a reference in that article from a few books I have read. Have you tried opening a window for a week or two?

Algea Oust?