Help with Dissapearing Zoos


New member
I posted this in the zoanthid forum, but also wanted any local opinions.

Hello all,

I recently purchased several zoo frags from another reefkeeper. The frags were shipped to Florida on a relatively cold day from up north, but were floating in the sump within minutes of arriving at my door. It was overnight shipping, so time in transit was under one hour.

Next day I noticed a few of the smallest frags had melted away??

Now it's been a week or so and all but 2 small colonies are gone.

It seems all the single and 2-polyp frags have disintegrated. Granted, these small frags were tiny!

I have several other zoo/paly colonies, clams and dozens of SPS in the tank. Water params are pretty normal with alk at 9.6.

Any thoughts on why these zoos may have dissapeared?

This usually happens when the coral gets to cold during shipping from what I understand from working at a LFS.

Was it sent from a northern state? Did it have a heat pack?

Are all of your other zoanthids/corals in your tank doing good? If they are then it was from the shipping.


They came from the NorthEast. Yup, everything else is doing fine.

I'm bummed that I spent all that money for nothing... I could have gone to a local shop and purchased a few nice colonies.

Dip them in Lugol's solution for 10-15 minutes. 2 ml in a one gallon container with water from your tank. It should help some.

Check for nudibranch or Sundial snails when you dip them as well. You might also have a fish nipping at them in your tank.

Also, the Zoanthid forum here in RC is filled with great information from people who propagate them for a living.

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There should be LOTS of zoanthids at the frag swap, march 9th. I know we'll be bringing a few varieties.
I will give the guy credit, there were two heat packs in the styrofoam box.

I will probably load up at the frag swap.
