Help with my zoa


New member
So I went to the frag swap on saturday and was really happy to find a Hallucination zoa at a reasonable price. It was a smallish single polyp for $100, it wasn't fully open but I attributed it to it being moved there and set up at the swap but it was about 75% open. The guy was real nice too and so I was happy to buy from him. I took it home and dipped it in Revive for around 5 minutes and put it in my tank. Within a few hours it was opening againto the same degree, hooray! Then it closed, and it remained closed thru sunday and into monday. Monday after I got home from work it was still closed and so I was peering at it on my rack and it looked like there was something on it. I grabbed it and there was a little bit of a brown mucous or something on it. Brushed it off (outside of my tank) and did a quick search on google. Didn't come up with much but did come across something similar from back in 2012, that guy dipped his colony into a 2:1 mix of tank water and peroxide. He said it seemed to help his colony. So I did that and now I'm just waiting to see if it pulls through. Has anyone come across anything like this, or does anyone have any tips? The polyp is still closed now but so far the mucous hasnt come back but the polyp isn't all the same color, part of the skin is a little grayish. Just tested my phosphate and thats only 0.03, haven't tested everything else in a little while but everything else in my tank is thriving. Had the zoa in moderate and then mod/low light. So if anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate them.

Well it doesn't look good for the poor little zoa. If I can figure out again how to post pictures I will ,but its pretty much melting into a little grey lump. If whoever sold me this at the swap wants to give me a deal on another (healthier) polyp I wouldn't be opposed :sad1:
I have some for sale ( located in Hannibal ny) if u want to pm me.

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