Help with new frags and water


New member
hello guys. I got a few SPS frags from someone last night and me being stupid i thought my calcium would be ok because i just did a water change. Well on my way home after picking up the frags i stopped off and bought a redsea calcium test kit (yet another stupid move). WEll i got home and checked my water and i think its only around 300ppm. I was wondering will my frags be ok till about the end of the week when i can get out and buy some kalk powder or B-Inoic and a slalifert test kit? THanks
And since last night one of them seemed to have lost its color but it is getting some back and there is no PE that i can see. Please help me
I have had some frags take several weeks to become fully adapted and show decent PE. Get yourself a decent CA test kit and if in fact, it is that low, slowly bring it up to the desired level. I personally run near NSW levels. 7-8 dKH and 400 ppm CA. Give it some time.

Agree with CAreefer. Sometimes it's time, sometimes it's water chemistry.

A local I trade with often has much `fuzzier' Acropora than I do ... likely water chemistry related. Both our corals are healthy - they just exhibit a lot more PE in his tank.

I'd give it time, buy a better test kit, and get levels to NSW where I also run my tank [Ca 400, Alk 8 dKh]. Be sure to get an Alk test kit, I tend to test that more often.

The frags probably will be good. If you use a good salt mix, maybe w/c's would be good as they should help maintain levels as well.
Hello all I have allmost the same problem . My acropora seems to extend way more at night than in the day time .My calcium is high at the time becouse I just added a diy calcium reactor .It is about 520 at the time and i cant get it to go any lower .
They should be fine while you slowly raise you levels......did you test the water they were in? You may be surprised to find out what that reading was. Coming from another hobbyiest it was most likely in the proper range.....But sorry to say some of the local pet stores around my area that carry SPS corals dont maintain their levels as they should....I guess they figure the corals wont be in their tanks that long and with a constant adding or removing of corals from the tanks it is harder to maintain a constant level....I find most corals I pick up from the LPS have been in water with lower alk and/or calc readings than I like to maintain when I test the bag water

I agree do a few water changes as the new salt mix alone should raise you levels up enough to satisfy your new frags while you are re-setting your levels to the proper range