Help with picking my shark


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I am getting at least a 240 gallon tank and plan to have a shark and maybe a ray in there. Don't worry I have been doing research on sharks for about 8 months now. I currently have a reef tank. I really like epaulette(not sure if I spelled it right)and bamboo's. What would be better? Also if theres any other sharks you would suggest let me know .
Basically any that act like the epaulette, by that i mean sitting on the bottom and hardly moving much. Bamboos, cat sharks, Epaulettes are all good choices. No active swimming sharks(black tip, smoothhound ect.) will be happy in your tank though. A 240 Should be able to house those sharks for most of their lives, quite possibly all of it. What are you plans for the tank? Filtration, substrate, live rock, and lighting? Good luck with your shark