help with positive id on soposed sand shark


New member
ok lets deal with the normal things you are all going to say

1 the 72 gallon is a temp enclosure till like the next two weeks when i get my 150 gallon stock tank with 100 gal sump set up and thats only going to be a temp enclosure till fall when my 2 500 gallons are done

2 i know the bassic care of a shark and so on but i just want to know what the id is on this shark i was told it was a sand shark and it WAS collected in sir lanka

now that those 2 things are said can you help me get a positive id on this fella?
Sand shark is pretty generic when in context to sharks, but I think yours is a banded cat shark. "Chiloscyllium punctatum '
when it was at the store it was all grey and when i got it in my tank the brownish lines appeard lol and i was kinda hopeing it was somthing a little more unique than the normal cat shark that everyone has but still for 100 cnd its not bad and its about 16 inch
ah well its still cute and was only 100 cnd so yeah normaly they are 150 for like under a ft and this ones over and his size is normaly 200 +
Good news Bull! I have IDed your shark. From the research that I have done I believe that the species of shark you have is Chiloscyllium Griseum. The way I can tell the difference between what I believe is yours and the more common Chiloscyllium punctatum, is its dorsal fin. The Dorsal fin on Chiloscyllium punctatum is Concave, but the specimen in the picture has a convex dorsal fin. A good book for you to reseach this for yourself is Scott W. Michaels, "Aquarium Sharks and Rays" It should be available at any LFS.

How many bands does it have a brownbanded bamboo shark has 8 bands (chiloscyllium punctatum) there is not such shark called a banded (cat ) shark. the cat part is false. I own and have read scott m. book 2 times well good luck!! have a good one.
It looks like a brachaelurus colcloughi(colclough's shark) common name carpet shark . but thats me pic in scott m. page 83 my brownbanded bamboo shark's nose is longer urs looks short from tip of nose to eye's. not sure if this helps,but as long as u like he or she thats all that matters..Aww go to google and type the different shark names in ull find alot of info till u get ur copy of sharks and rays, ull find very good reading material.Well have a good one if u want to chat drop me a pm.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7095778#post7095778 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bulldragon
read my original post about the tank size and as for the bands 10 including the snout but

Unfortunately, not even that 150gal. tank will be big enough to house this fish.
northface have another read at my original post is say its in the 72 for 2 maybe 3 weeks at tops then 150 gallon till the fall and then into a 500 gallon
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7097835#post7097835 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bulldragon
northface have another read at my original post is say its in the 72 for 2 maybe 3 weeks at tops then 150 gallon till the fall and then into a 500 gallon

Sorry about that.
northface maybe seeing as youve bred bamboo sharks you can clear this up mines bands are nowhere near as dark as the others bamboo or banded ive seen and it is a grey base rather than a biege base like ive seen on most banded so is it more likley the grey banded rather than the banded?
I've seen these before at my LFS. They call them "Bailey sand sharks" or something like that. To all of you that think this is a regular banded cat or bamboo, you are wrong. This shark has a lot lighter coloring and a slightly different face. Seeing pics makes it hard to tell, but if you see it in person, you can see the difference.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7099999#post7099999 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bulldragon
northface maybe seeing as youve bred bamboo sharks you can clear this up mines bands are nowhere near as dark as the others bamboo or banded ive seen and it is a grey base rather than a biege base like ive seen on most banded so is it more likley the grey banded rather than the banded?

Mine, once older, always had lighter bands.

Just after a few weeks after hatching, they start to change color from their black/white striped coloration.

The white turns grey and the black stripes start to lighten.

I've had a few whos stripes lightened so much, you could barely see them.

You very well could have the Grey Banded (which are considerably more rare). Is there any way you could get a closer/higher quality/clearer pic?
no the cam i used was my girlfriends and she has it back now and the problem with it was any time id try to take pics of my tank they would turn out blured because the water flow on my glass makes it look blurred and also i canlt seem to ever get rid of the streaks on the outside of my tank lol but what ill do is when im transfering it to the stock tank ill get a 10 gall and put it in there for liek 2 min and take some good pics of it