help with recirculation pump!


New member
Hello RC,

Is have a 30g Innovative Marine Nuvo (DC'd model)

I just replaced the tanks original recirculation pump with a new Tunze Silencer, its the smallest one you can get from the Tunze line,

Is it possible for my water levels to be too high in the back sump area where it affects my pump?

The overflow from the Main Tank into the Sump has no flow.. none of the water is "flowing" through my media filters.. i feel like theres not enough pressure from the pump. The water literally trickles from the overflow into my sump.. which I don't think is normal.

The back sump area requires the water to travel to 2 columns before it reaches the bottom area where the circulation pump sits.. do you think i should lower the water level so gravity can help out?
I believe you are referring to the Tunze Silence (210 gph model). If so, the rated total head is listed as 49". When you submerge the pump you have added positive suction head. For example, if the water level where the pump is located is 10" deep then you have increased the discharge head to 59". This is more important if you have an under tank sump so you know what height the pump should be able to reliably move water.

So to answer your question, your water levels in the back should not affect the flow. Do you have the valve opened as far as possible? From the picture of the pump it looks like you turn the front plate to adjust flow.
I believe you are referring to the Tunze Silence (210 gph model). If so, the rated total head is listed as 49". When you submerge the pump you have added positive suction head. For example, if the water level where the pump is located is 10" deep then you have increased the discharge head to 59". This is more important if you have an under tank sump so you know what height the pump should be able to reliably move water.

So to answer your question, your water levels in the back should not affect the flow. Do you have the valve opened as far as possible? From the picture of the pump it looks like you turn the front plate to adjust flow.

the problem i'm having is that i dont think the pump is sucking water in fast enough or exerting enough pressure back into my tank so that the water flows through the overflow "hard or fast" enough. it should be pouring in but instead its trickling. I tried turning the plate a few times but it just doesnt do me any good.
You could try removing the intake cover just to make sure the adjustment valve is not stuck in a low setting.
You could try removing the intake cover just to make sure the adjustment valve is not stuck in a low setting.

okay ill try that. im just not that saavvy when it comes to equipment. i look at the hole and its just a hole to me... twisting and turning it doesnt do me any good. hahaha looks all the same! :[