Help with Seriatopora


New member
Hi to all.Would like to ask some help with seriatopora,everything was nice antil i started to drip kalkwasser,and now seriatopora start to loose,could that be from kalwasser dripping to fast or to-mach, ? Thank you for your time
Probably down to an alkalinity swing. Check it now and then again 24 hrs later. If its moved by a lot then this will be your issue.
Thank you that was in my head,my PH and ALK was low,so i try what we (reefers)sould not do raise ALK and PH with Kalkwasser,and that was to fast.Thank you for your time and help.
That have any chance to recover?
I would limit alk swings to no more than 1dKh per day, but I personally think that's the higher mark. I'd shoot for something more like no more than 0.5-0.7dKh per day.

What were your pH & alk before and after the drip? And did you know what your daily alk and calcium usage per day was before starting to drip?
How high did your PH get when you were dripping the kalkwasser? It is as powerful as Muratic Acid in the other direction.
Thank you for replay,Alk vent up from 7 to 8.4 andPh went up from 8 to 8.4,because i do not have doser,i try to drip the Kalkwasser with some home made dripper anr i think that was dripping to fast.Hope i could recover from that,because only Seriatopora get suffer