Help with skimmer


New member
I have a 240 reef w/ 20-30ish sump.
right now I am using the Kent nautallus TE W mag 7 rated for 300 gal.
some sites rate it for only 150.....
so do I need a bigger skimmer? my bio-load is still very small but I am adding more fiah all the time.
if you would use a bigger skimmer what would you use?
i have a 220 with a 75 gallon sump/ref. I have an ev-400 aquac and LOVE it!!! It pulls so much i have a 3 gallon bucket for the skim to drain into.
thanks every one keep them coming!
my keny skimmer is pulling out a full collection cup every day with only three fish in there!!
I will be making the 55 gal sump refug in a few minths after I use the tank for a QT all my new fish.
so what about useing two skimmers any thoughts?
I went with a MRC4 recirculation skimmer

I second the mrc skimmers I do maintenance and use them on all my tanks if possible (5 in use as we speek) they work great have a MRC6R sitting in my house waiting to be used if I can ever ger my own systems completed