Help with SPS corals


New member
Hello All,
I am new to this forum and I have a 150 gallon standard size (72x18x27) mixed reef tank. The tank is moderately stocked with zoanthids, leather corals, green star polyps, torch corals, bubble corals, frogspawn, Acropora, Montipora, Poccilipora, and Millepora. I am running two Hydra 52 lights and 2 original Hydra lights overtop the tank. The percentages are
"¢ 50% CW
"¢ 60% V
"¢ 10% R
"¢ 10% G
"¢ 100% DB
"¢ 100% RB
"¢ 50% UV
The lights are mounted approximately 12 inches above the surface of the water. I run the lights for a full 8 hours capped on either end with a 1.5 hour ramp timer. For filtration I have a 55 gallon tank as a sump with a 16 gallon refugium filled with miracle mud, live rock and caulerpa. I run an Eshopps 150 skimmer and a phosban reactor with biopellets. I also run 2 bags of chemipure elite. The tank is supplemented with a dosing pump putting 95 mL of Natureef hardness plus and 95mL of Natureef Alkalinity plus per day. My parameters are as follows
"¢ Calcium "“ 480ppm (Red Sea test kit)
"¢ Alkalinity "“ 10.6dkh (Red Sea test kit)
"¢ Magnesium "“ 1380ppm (Red Sea test kit)
"¢ Nitrite "“ 0ppm (Red Sea test kit)
"¢ Nitrate "“ 0ppm (Red Sea test kit)
"¢ Ammonia "“ 0ppm (Red Sea test kit)
"¢ Phosphate "“ 0ppm (Salifert test kit)
"¢ pH "“ 8.0 (Red Sea test kit)
"¢ Salinity "“ 35ppt
My bioload includes a medium sized regal yellow belly blue tang, a medium sized kole tang, a medium sized melanarus wrasse, 2 medium yellow bar chromis, a blue reef chromis, 3 percula clownfish, and a swissguard basslet. I feed once a day with either Mysis shrimp, Cyclops or pellets as well as strip algae for the tangs. The tank originally started as a 55 gallon 2 and a half years ago and it finally worked its way to the 150 in September of 2014. I have slowly been trying to make the tank more sps dominated but I have having certain issues. The corals are showing signs of growth, but coloration is an issue. Many of my acros are showing minimal coloration. What I mean, is that most of the acros have color on the tips but the branches either fade to a dull color or are brown. In some cases, as well, the acros tend to shade themselves out and lose color completely and have sometimes led to dead tissue. I have also experienced cases of RTN in some of my acros. Polyp extension on all of my acros is good both day and night. I am looking to find a few solutions that may help me to become more successful with sps corals and allow my colonies to thrive and be entirely colorful. Any suggestions on how I might be able to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to RC BrandonMc2011!

Are you running any carbon to soak up the toxins produced by your leathers?

Pictures could help.
Yes I am running chemipure elite in my sump. I could try to post some pictures although I always find it difficult to get a good representation under the LEDs.
I have more pictures coming in a minute. This is the best representation I can get under the LEDs. Please disregard the aquascape. Im not very pleased with it at the moment but I needed to eliminate some of the shading on my sps corals.


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Some more pics


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There is some evidence of my tissue necrosis on some of my pieces.


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Hi Brandon, I have the same tank. :) Do you know how stable your parameters are day to day and week to week?

Not knowing anything else I would say starving as well. Do you use the Salifert PO4 test in high rez mode? 20ml water, 8 drops, 2 scoops, and divide results by 2?
Ive been hearing a few comments about my tank starving and Im thinking that may be a possibility now. I plan on increasing my feeding to help with that. As for parameters I try to check them every few days and with my dosing pump they seem to stay fairly stable provided there is no problem with the pump (only happened once). And for the PO4 test, no I have never tried that, I can do that though if it would give me a more accurate result.
I would second (or third) the starving comments. Particularly with everything at 0 (they actually do better with a very little phosphate and even nitrate, but at levels you would need a colorimeter for, showing 0 on the test is fine). There's nutrient poor, (good), then there's nutrient homeless (bad). My question is how is the circulation in your tank? Acros of course typically need high, mixed flow like various pumps on timers to create mixed current. Constant direct flow is not great for them and can cause RTN. Also, make sure any deep water acros are lower in the tank. Lastly, be sure to turn off your pumps and target feed a variety of coral food like coral frenzy, cyclopeeze, eggs, etc. a few times per week. I'm sure everything will come around. It doesn't hurt to over feed now and then to keep your cleanup crew fat and happy too. One last thing (I guess lastly lastly) is on your color settings, I would keep the blues, violets, and UVs at similar levels (dropping your blues and bringing the Violet and UV up a little) and bring your white down until the tank has a bit of a blue tint. LED whites are different, in my experience, than Metal Halide and VHO whites. I think you'll see much improved coloration and growth over the next few months if you make sure these things are correct. Just my opinion. Let us know how it goes please. Ray
I agree with Ray.
First, I keep my alk alittle lower 8-9, not a biggy.
I would cut back on GFO, get or have someone test p04 with a good tester. 0 is too low. .4-1.0 is good.
Nitrates are to low as well. 5 or so is good. Things seem to grow better with some. Feed
Looks like you have a ****ed off favia or chalice in upper left, this should be low.
I've been in the hobby back when mh was king, later t5 came, then leds. I've used them all. When I see browned out sps it's due to shock or lack of light. Happening slowly I would lean to light. I would suggest adding some t5's. 4 5' tubes would be great but 2 blue plus could work. They will help cancel disco effect also. With my tank it really helped.
I would also suggest dosing red sea colour or something like it.