Greetings! Looking for a little help here. I've been in this hobby well over 30 years and I'm having a problem with a new cycling tank that I have never encountered.
The tank is a 40B and was started on Drc 22. The ammonia has been around 4ppm (dosing), no nitrites or nitrates. All other parameters are good. I just got home from work yesterday and this slimy stringy stuff is all over my rock. It is Life Rock from Caribsea. I brushed it all off with a paint brush, waited for the water to clear, and changed the socks. They were so clogged with the slime that the water wouldn't even drain out of them. After scratching my head I decided for the lack of any other ideas I treated with Chemi Clean.
I get up this morning and it's back.
I got a video but it's not allowing me to post it. Not sure if this screen shot from the vid will work or not.
Thanks in advance for any help with this!
The tank is a 40B and was started on Drc 22. The ammonia has been around 4ppm (dosing), no nitrites or nitrates. All other parameters are good. I just got home from work yesterday and this slimy stringy stuff is all over my rock. It is Life Rock from Caribsea. I brushed it all off with a paint brush, waited for the water to clear, and changed the socks. They were so clogged with the slime that the water wouldn't even drain out of them. After scratching my head I decided for the lack of any other ideas I treated with Chemi Clean.
I get up this morning and it's back.
I got a video but it's not allowing me to post it. Not sure if this screen shot from the vid will work or not.
Thanks in advance for any help with this!