Help with sump pump calculation


Premium Member
I'm planning for a 375g tank. I want to have a 75g sump/refugium with a Euro Reef RC500 skimmer. It says it comes with 3 Eheims 1262 pumps. It's rated at 634gph.

I used the sump and pump calculator and it comes out to 375gph for 5 times over. Do I need to get a bigger sump? I may be able to fit a 100g but it still calculates to 500gph. Is there a way to slow it down or do I just have to live with the higher turn over rate? I wanted to keep the pumps outside the sump but I can save space and make the sump bigger if I put the pumps in. Will it be quieter? Will it heat the water more? I have to have the sump in the stand.

I was thinking of using 1.5" return and overflow pipes since the RC500 has a 1.5" outlet size. The calculator comes out to about 5ft of head loss with 150gph flow rate for each side. The Eheims 1262 looks like it will pump 700gph with 5ft head loss. I want to have two pumps, one for each return that will split into two. Can I just slow it down or is it better to go with smaller pumps? The next size smaller will pump 640gph together.
