Help with time lapse?


New member
So I'm messing around with the new camera and realized it has an interval setting. I took a time lapse of my tank (just a short one) to see if I could do it. Well my question is I took 240 pictures at 1 photo every 2 seconds so 8 minutes of shooting. Well in panolapse when I click on preview it shows about 8 seconds of video and only 8 different frames. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
i don't know that software, but doesn't most video play back at 30 FPS or faster? If so your 240 frames would come out to about 8 seconds if I'm doing the math right.
man there was a guy on here a few years ago wo did some amazing stuff. You might search for time lapse and see if his threads come up. If Jesse looks in here maybe he'll remember who it was. Last I remember he was saying he would be off the boards because he found a job doing it professionally.

I think the fish will be almost too fast to do time lapse with. The sway of corals and opening and closing of polyps is totally do-able and that was what he posted. Sorry I don't know enough about it to tell you more.
Now that I think about it fish swimming would be too much movement to get in a time lapse. That would basically be a video in fast forward. I was trying ice melting also and took 1500 pictures but it was in HDR and my software doesn't support HDR.
Sorry, it worked when I tried it but I guess once I close a search it goes away. Click the search and put in time lapse in the subject, Recty in the username and select the Photography forum.

Not much there, but was fun to look through.
You need to be clear on what you are trying to accomplish. Time lapse is great for showing motion of slow moving objects. Snails, flowers opening, me typing :).

Anything that moves fast like a fish will either not appear at all or seem like it's on crack! Video is usually (in USA) 30fps. So any frame that has a fish in it will only appear for 1/30 of a second. No fish, poof fish for 1/30sec, then no fish.

To slow down the fast fish you need to shoot faster than 30fps. Not many DSLRs have this feature.

Back to the OP...
I don't know why you get just eight frames. You should still have all 240. I don't know the SW at all. Sounds like it might be showing just key frames or perhaps you can scale the video timeline and are looking at it in 1 sec. resolution. And yes, IPT is correct, your 240 frames are just 8 seconds of run time!

Get a really big memory card, set the interval to 1/sec and speed up action 30 times! All this works best if you can do a macro image.