help with zoa colony


New member
So I recently aquired my first coral from LFS. It is a small colony of pink/yellow zoa's on a piece of rubble. I placed it on my rock to see if it was going to like the spot and left it overnight. When I woke up it was facedown in the substrate. I think my moster mexican turbo snail just knocked it right off. I picked it up and placed it back on the rock. all was good for another 3-4 days and most of the polyps opened up 5/9. That night the same thing happened so I used crazyglue/epoxy to attatch it to the rock. It has been doing well since then- about 5 days. all the polyps that originally opened are opening a little wider now, but the other half of the colony which werent opening seem to be disconnected from the rubble. Of the disconnected half there is one single open polyp. my question is...

Is there a way for me to just pull/cut the other half off of the rubble and maybe glue it to a new piece of rubble and place elsewhere in the tank?
should I just cut it off and call it a loss?

I know it can take a long time for zoas to open especially if they get sand stuffed in their face.

what should I do?
also, all water parameters are on point.
moderate flow where the zoas are on my rock and medium light from the LED's.
Use a razor and slice the connecting tissue. Simply glue the disconnected coral where ever you'd like. Plug, rock, even the glass. Zoas are tough cookies. Wear goggles and gloves though. They are highly toxic.